Continental Electric Motors

Approaching a Century of Engineering Excellence

Continental Electric Motors is one of the oldest manufacturers of industrial electric motors in the world. Since 1921, Continental has been trusted by thousands of companies, on virtually every continent , to design and manufacture electric motors that drive their most critical applications. We don't roll generic motors off an assembly line in our facility; motors are hand-built for each individual customer's requirements and application. At Continental, motors are made to meet the job. Our motors are guarenteed to run for decades with minimal maintenance and care. We make sure that you retire before your motor does!

Trust in Continental's service and quality the way thousands of customer's have since 1921.

What sets Continental apart from the rest?

Ratings from 100HP through 10,000HP

Fabricated copper bar rotors for cooler running and longer life on above NEMA frames

Hollow shafts available for all vertical frames

A wide range of Div 1 & 2 explosion proof product is available

Voltage availability from 208V to 13.8KV

Capable of customizing mounting dimensions to match existing base dimensions and shaft heights

Rapid submittal of approval documentation

Superior customer service, attention to detail and overall quality

For your next electric motor, call Continental. If in our library of over 19,000 proven designs you can't find one that's perfect for you, we'll create a new one.

Continental Electric Motors, Inc.
23 Sebago Street
Clifton, NJ 07013


The Workhorse of Industry